Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Artistic-Foundation figures of Gudea, who was an energetic builder of temples. The peg figurines were placed in the foundations and commemorate the ruler's piety,this city state built statues to honor their the statue of Gunea.
Social-It was at that time ruled by independent kings, UR-Nanshe (24th century BC) and his successors, who were engaged in contests with the elamites on the east and the kings of "Kienįir" and kishh on the north.Lagash was one of the oldest cities of the ancient near west.
Political-Sargon's state,Ur-Nanshe, "Ane-tum", En-entar-zid, Ur-Ningirsu, Ur-Bau, and Gudea.they were independent ruling kings in lagash.
intelectual:They were very creative when they though of making the statue of the thier kings,
Lagash was endowed with many temples, including the Eninnu, “House of the Fifty,” a seat of the high god Enlil. Architecturally the most remarkable structure was a weir and regulator, once doubtless possessing sluice gates, which conserved the area’s water supply in reservoirs.

Religion-Lagash was the religious center of the Lagash state. Lagash's temple was E-Ninnu, dedicated to the god Ningirsu.Economy-resources could be disembedded from social units as well as individuals and allocated to royal institutions,ritual economy.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Food makes us human

Cooking was very important for the old people, it was the source of life, to keep us alive and healthy,
The old people. like The homo habulous,those people were small faced and big brained. They ate raw food, raw vegetables, they ate everything that was similar to a monkey. They spent 50% of their by only chewing food. So to keep them fueled, they ate a lot. In our day, people are more likely eat more cooked food, because our stomach is not capable at eating only raw foods.
We created a experiment to test if we are able to last with only raw food for one week. Which turned out. Most of the people lost an approximately 5 kg in two weeks, some people had to excrete their food, they are not suited to eating only raw food. That proved that our ancestor were not overweighed and they were relatively addicted to food.
Homo erectus
It was the first human who was able to cook their meal with fire, and also able to control fire and make fire whenever they felt like doing it. So a scientist experimented with two mice compare the same food, one cooked one raw. to distinguish which food will provide more energy, the result was amazing, the mice who ate the cooked food, was more capable to run greater distances. the scientist also proved that 20%of the food is transported to the brain,10%percent on animals