Monday, November 14, 2011

The social system of the Aryans

The first caste was created by the indians 1500B.C
The religious theories explain how the four Varnas were founded, but they do not explain how the Jats in each Varna or the untouchables were founded. According the Rig Veda, the ancient Hindu book, the primal man - Purush - destroyed himself to create a human society. The different Varnas were created from different parts of his body. The Brahmans were created from his head; the Kshatrias from his hands; the Vaishias from his thighs and the Sudras from his feet. The Varna hierarchy is determined by the descending order of the different organs from which the Varnas were created. Other religious theory claims that the Varnas were created from the body organs of Brahma, who is the creator of the world.
varna-Sudra Varna who are the simple workers of the society
  • the Brahmins: scholars, teachers, priests and sagesthe
  •  Kshatriya: kings, soldiers, and rulers.[
  • the Vaishyas: merchants, cattle herders and agriculturists [3]
  • the Shudras: labourers, craftsmen and artisans
The Fith was described as the Untouchabled,the workers who were responsible for the disposal of dead body.They were as dirty and polluted
a Hindu caste or distinctive social group of which there are thousands throughout India; a special characteristic is often the exclusive occupation of its male members (such as barber or potter)
A rule is that they are never allowed to change to another society.Or either like i said they will be punished
A consequence of the 3rd rule was that Brahmins were often employed as cooks. The rule was often not applicable if the food items are dry (e.g. roasted grains) or cooked with oil/ghee (pakka).
The benefit of having a jati and caste system is to distingush the wealth and reputation of each,some people may be richer and famous,some they created this system for not only this reason,they created it so they are in one society,and they shall never quite or otherwise,the consequence are terrible.
Upanishads are Philosophical texts considered to be a early source of the hindu society.
One of the classes in the varnas,traditionally a fire priest
File:The wheel of life, Trongsa dzong.jpgcontinuous flow", is the cycle of birth, life, death, rebirth or reincarnation within Hinduism, Buddhism, Bön, Jainism, Sikhism, and other Indian religions. In modern parlance, samsara refers to a place, set of objects and possessions, but originally, the word referred to a process of continuous pursuit or flow of life. In accordance with the literal meaning, the word should either refer to a continuous stream of consciousness, or the continuous but random drift of passions, desires, emotions, and experiences
is the concept of "action" or "deed", understood as that which causes the entire cycle of cause and effect (i.e., the cycle called saṃsāra) originating in ancient India and treated in Hindu, Jain, Buddhffist and Sikh philosophies.
moksha meant"To let go" to achieve it.

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